Positive Thinking — How you can achieve it?

Positive thinking

Thinking Positive is not just a state of mind, but a power that can change your life. Yes, no matter what, you will feel challenged and knocked down from time to time. The approach that take toward these challenges and setbacks will dictate who you are and how emotionally well-off and prosperous you are. 

Being a positive thinker is essential for your overall health, mental well-being & smiling all the time. In this guide, we will share the reasons why it is so important to adopt an optimistic attitude and provide some tips on how you can include positive thinking in your everyday life.

What is Positive Thinking?

Positive thinking refers to the idea of concentrating on the roses in life and overlooking the thorns. This is not about ignoring problems or pretending everything is perfect, but about being able to see obstacles as opportunities, leaving some hope for a better tomorrow between chaos and destruction, and opting to trust that anything can improve. Just imagine that all this shit will go away and disappear in one click. Positive thinking at its heart is about taking a situation and looking for the good in it and not focusing on the bad — and– even finding a solution.

Positive Thinking has the following vital building blocks:-

  • Optimism: The idea and hope that good things will eventually happen.
  • Resilient: Never forget that, Basque people even in the worst of times, continue on their way with a positive attitude and hope.
  • Reputation: Grateful for what you have and focus on where you are not off.
  • Self-Efficacy: Confidently believing in your ability to solve problems.

Positive Thinking – Science Behind It

Countless studies have shown how positive thoughts can help you experience a host of physical and emotional benefits. Research from the Mayo Clinic indicates that optimists do, in fact, live longer and healthier lives. Optimism reduces levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and in turn, decreases depression and anxiety. It also helps in support of a better heart and immune system.

Benefits of positive thinking

  • Enhanced mental health: People who think optimistically experience less anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • Support Immune Health: Positive and happy people are more resistant to stress that supports their health internally, mentally, and physically.
  • Live Longer Life: A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that optimists outlast pessimists.
  • Better coping skills: People with a positive outlook on life can better cope with stress and bounce back from difficulties.

The Positive Outlook and Its Effect in Your Life

When you look for the good, you and the positive outcomes of your relationships will attract each other. The benefits of this extend beyond mental well-being. It affects how you act with others, how you think,  how you achieve your goals, and how you overcome adversities.
Positive thinking — the right mindset + higher self-confidence (gets things done).

What Positive Thinking Will Do For You?

Better connections with others: Having a more positive outlook can improve relationships as you can communicate better and connect on a deeper level.

Career success: Optimism encourages higher resilience and adaptability in the workplace so you can better cope with facing obstacles

Positive thinking helps to make better decisions: It clarifies your thought process and makes you consider various possibilities and opportunities that negative emotions could have blocked.

Another reason why the growth mindset leads to success over time is that it leads to increased motivation — you take more action and demonstrate higher levels of perseverance when you believe in the possibility of success.

A Guide To Developing Positive Thinking

Although it may require some time and effort, everyone can develop worthwhile and effective thinking. You can apply these kinds of thoughts with everyday activities and it can start with the following examples.

a) Start with Gratitude

One of the quickest ways to change your mindset is by having gratitude. This will help pull you out of the negative by focusing on what you are grateful for. Regular gratitude practices can lead to greater feelings of happiness and well-being.

How to practice gratitude?

  • Write three things you were grateful about in a day on paper as a journal.
  • Before bed, think about something nice that happened throughout the day.
  • If you face challenges, how can you learn from them, or what is the gift within this?

b). Counteract Negative Thoughts

Sometimes negative thoughts come to mind without us knowing it. Positive thinking is all about stepping back and looking at these thoughts, acknowledging why we think the way that we do and then replacing those thought patterns with positive ones. This is what therapists refer to as cognitive restructuring — a technique that can be found in approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for debilitating thought patterns.

If a negative thought is trying to scratch, ask yourself if those are real facts or just assumptions.

Instead of saying I can’t, say I’ll try. Write about solutions, not problems. For instance, if your thought is… I will never get this project done. Change your focus to… What can I do right now to move forward?

c). Be with Positive-minded people 

Who you hang out with can greatly influence your mentality. Having good people around you who are supportive and able to make you laugh during the darkest of times is key to resilience. Negative or overly critical people, on the other hand, can be real energy suckers on your journey and perpetuate negativity.

Positive Influential Network Builder:

  • Catch up with friends or co-workers who motivate and encourage you.
  • Be a part of organizations or groups that promote positive thinking like clubs, and online communities.
  • Avoid negative friends and groups.

d.) Positive Affirmations

These are short statements that can be used to help reprogram your brain to think positively, as well as have a positive mental outlook on life. You can create your self-esteem by using affirmations more consistently and repeating them from time to time.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

  • But I can do it…
  • I am better and stronger every day.
  • I choose happiness and lightness.

How to use affirmations:

  • Write out your affirmations and say them daily, particularly in the morning or when you are faced with difficult situations.
  • Put sticky notes or reminders on your phone for a reminder of the type of affirmations you want to recite during different parts of your day.

e.) Use Visualization

Visualisation is simply the act of picturing yourself experiencing the achieving a specific targetted outcome. Using this method will not only drive motivation but also enhance your ego and help you to be positive. Having an idea of what it looks like to get there gives you something very real to execute and focus on.

f.) Check Into Humor and Laughter

The first is Laughter — a natural remedy for Stress and Negativity. Things are easier when you can find the humor in them. In addition to the benefits of those big laughs, laughing can lower stress hormones and give you a mood boost, both factors that make it simpler to be optimistic.

How to add a little humor to your life:

  • Be around people who make you laugh( spend time with friends, and family members).
  • Find the humor in every day, even if it’s aggravating.

 How to Conquer the Difficulties of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking offers clear benefits, but staying chipper isn’t always the easiest thing to do especially in the face of challenges and setbacks. You must be kind and patient with yourself, for a positive mindset because it is a lifestyle, not a destination. This way, when you do feel downright awful or think your world is imploding catch those feelings but do not let them dictate the rest of the day onwards.

Final Thoughts

Positive thinking is inside-out life-changing. Taking an optimistic attitude not only enhances mental and physical health but also ushers in success, agility, as well as joy. Elements such as gratitude, positive affirmations and just generally drawing good vibes from your surroundings, through practices that are part of your daily routine would allow you to maintain that focus amidst the chaos. Positive thinking is a choice, and can take work to develop and maintain — but the benefits are well worth your effort.

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