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Clear your acne: 10 simple steps


Acne is a common skin problem that causes blocked oil to inflame and clog the hair follicles with pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads. There are various factors that can lead to acne, however, the way you live can help keep skin clearer and prevent the onset of acne. But, having a proper regime and lifestyle can help manage breakouts and get overall healthy skin. Here are ten daily skincare habits for clear skin.

1. Stick to a Regular Skin Care Regimen

The heart of good skin — a necessity for routine. A good routine suited to your skin type is a way to prevent and treat acne. Begin with a mild, soap-free cleanser that removes sweat, oil, and grime without drying your skin. Use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to help kill off acne-promoting bacteria and decrease inflammation, dermatologists recommend.

End with a toner to normalize your skin pH and a hydrating non-comedogenic moisturizer. Non-comedogenic products are formulated to not clog pores, one of the primary culprits of acne formation.

2. Cleanse Your Face Twice a Day

While facial cleansing is crucial in preventing breakouts, like over-washing or skipping washes can make matters worse by causing oiliness and resulting in a higher chance of clogging pores. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), you should cleanse your face twice a day, once in the morning and again before going to bed. By doing so, you can eliminate dirt, oil build-up, and toxins on your skin during the day.

Evening cleansing is also imperative as it removes makeup, sunscreen, and other hallmarks of the day from your skin. Just avoid abrasive scrubs, as you will likely irritate and worsen your acne. Again stick to gentle cleansers that do not strip your skin of its natural oils.

3. Stay Hydrated and Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Moisturizing is a common cause of acne, many wrongly believe that. In fact, it’s completely the opposite. When skin is dry, it can cause your oil gland to go into overdrive producing more oil which causes breakouts with clogged pores. Thus, a good moisturizer that will hydrate your skin is important.

Opt out for oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizers that provide the same hydration without blocking pores. One of the more helpful things a moisturizer can contain is hyaluronic acid, which is an ingredient that helps hydrate your skin without making it oily. And as for the facial skin, a well-hydrated one is going to be more resilient (healing faster), and less prone to acne.

4. Watch Your Diet

The relationship between acne and diet has been controversial for some time, but now recent studies suggest that you are what you eat. An unhealthy diet consisting of processed foods and sweet snacks, dairy products have been connected to bigger acne breakouts. According to research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, a high-glycemic diet (eating more refined sugars and carbohydrates that spike your insulin levels) can cause your skin to break out by increasing oil production.

Instead, eating whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and some whole grains can be helpful here. Omega-3 fatty acids, present in fish and flaxseeds are anti-inflammatory agents that can help decrease acne outbreaks.

5. Manage Stress Levels

Everyone who has acne knows that it sucks, but one of the unexpected reasons why you might have more breakouts than your friends is stress. This implies that cortisol contributes to the body inducing more oil from your sebaceous glands which can end up clogging pores landing you with breakouts. Preliminary research on managing stress through practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises found that stress can exacerbate acne. according to the American Psychological Association.

Exercising every day is another important stress-buster that also helps keep the skin young. Exercise increases circulation (bringing more oxygen and nutrients to your skin) and also aids in a process known as detoxification. But be sure to always shower and cleanse your face post-exercise as sweat can cause breakouts.

6. Keep Your Hands Off Your Face

Of course, only some of the simple and easy habits for acne-free skin would be complete including this: Stop touching your face if you want to have clear and acne-free skin. When you touch your face with dirty hands, bacteria, and germs are easily transferred from your fingers to your skin. This will cause your skin to block up with dirt and produce more acne.

Furthermore, do not squeeze or pick your pimples, as this may lead to spreading bacteria and causing even more irritation. It also increases the likelihood of scouring, so it’s better to let your pimples be and allow them to support naturally.

7. Use Sunscreen Daily

Not just for beach summertime essential merch, It is also important to note that exposure to acne-prone skin in the sun may result in increased production of oil which in turn will increase breakouts, irritation, and scarring (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which are dark spots left behind after acne has healed). But lots of people with acne still won’t use sunscreen because they’re afraid it’ll make breakouts on their skin worse.

Opt for an oil-free and non-comedogenic broad-spectrum sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen containing 100% zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to protect your skin without irritating it. Wear sunscreen every day, even on overcast days to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

8. Exfoliate Weekly

Exfoliating will get rid of dead skin cells that contribute to acne, those that tend to clog pores over time. On the other hand, going wild with exfoliation or using something too harsh could cause your skin to become even angrier.

Choose mild chemical exfoliants that have alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs). These exfoliants come into deeper skin layers and clean up clogged pores. Exfoliating 1–2 times per week keeps your skin vibrant and glowing by encouraging proper excretion of sebum, dead skin cells, melanin, and other waste products.

9. Changing Your Pillow Cases Often

Pillowcases can become easily soiled with oil, bacteria, and more from your skin and hair over time. If not replaced, you can rub all of these toxins back onto your skin whilst you sleep and cause blocked pores and breakouts. And you should wash your pillowcases at least once a week, or more if you happen to have oily skin or hair.

Try the use of silk pillowcases to prevent friction that may aggravate acne-prone pores and skin because silk is a gentler option than cotton.

10. Be Patient and Consistent

Great skin isn’t built in a day… and neither is one sans zits. Your skin needs time to heal and adjust to new treatments and or changes in your skincare routine. It takes patience but also consistency. Commit to making lifestyle changes even if results are not immediately visible.

However, dermatologists note that it may take a good 8-12 weeks before you see substantial improvements in your skin from newly introduced acne treatments. If your good habits are not enough to stop acne from developing, subject to turn for professional advice (in fact it’s a real idea go), and skin treatments.


It is indeed possible to reach the stage in life where clear, acne-free skin only requires a good diet and proper facial routine. With Glow, you can improve your acne complexion by maintaining a good skincare routine, eating right, managing stress, and attending to other causes that promote the breakouts. While definitive improvements may not be immediate, consistent patience will reward you with clear, glowing skin.

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