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10 signs you have negative energy around you

10 signs of negative energy

Energy is not visible but we can feel it with its powerful force, affecting our emotions. Energy changes moods in our relationships and how we see the world. Positive energy fills us with an uplifting feeling, but negative energy can lower us into misery, worry, and discomfort. But how do you know when there is some negative energy with you? 

Here are, 10 signs to see if you are being influenced by negative energy around you:

1. Constant Fatigue

One of the biggest signs of having negative energy is feeling tired and sluggish, despite getting enough rest and proper sleep, and yet exhausted all the time?
Negative energy is literally a mental and emotional burden weighing you down — causing you to feel tired all day.

The definition of CFS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is associated with emotional or mental stress, which could result from negative energy. If you are still fatigued, the next thing to consider is what may be eliciting negativism in this domain — your environment and emotions.

2. Persistent Negative Thoughts

This negative energy is typically perceived in the way of replicating, bad pondering. If you are always envisioning the worst and having persistent negative thoughts or questioning everything especially that put you and other down then this really shows that you might be displaying low vibrational energy.

The study suggests that the electrification of our energies is determined by how we think and what goes on in our heads. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is helpful here: As opposed to negative thinking triggers, we replace typical dysfunctional thoughts with informative nearly aspirational mindsets. You turn yourself into an eternal pessimist while polluting the environment in the same spirit.

3. Feeling Stuck in Life

When you think of yourself as stagnant it results in constant ups and downs of life, and in that case, your aura may be blocked by negative energy that can impacts your growth. It may seem cliché but negative energy creates a very real mental block that causes you to close up and not see the chances for opportunity, progression, and success. It might feel that stuck in a situation —maybe your career may be a relationship or your personal growth, which makes you feel helpless.

Based on self-help gurus, a change of the environment or activities that uplift you such as meditation or nature walks, can help in getting rid of this negativity and seeing things in a new light.

4. Anger

Anger is another emotion that can lead to frequent frustration. Do you get easily peeved or pissed off with little stuff? This is yet another clear indicator of bad aura. This can also heighten your negative emotions and make you a bit dramatic, it can even lead to depression or anger outbursts now and then. Chronic irritability and anger, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), normally sprout from deep-seated emotional suffering, which typically have negative vibrations in them.

Learning to cope with these through methods such as long deep breaths, mindfulness or even seeing a therapist can help reduce some of the sheer negative weight.

5. Inability to Focus

Have you ever noticed that when negative energy is present, focusing becomes a hard mission? You might be on task and then spaced-out, out, or not be able to finish projects because your thinking is all over the place. When there is too much bad energy, your concentration powers are dulled and the simplest of tasks seem like a mountain to climb.

Practicing mindfulness through meditation or journaling can help declutter your mind and let go of critical thinking, which re-enables you to concentrate again.

6. Physical Discomfort

Its effect is not limited to your emotions and it covers a much broader dimension — negative energy has the power to affect you physically. You may feel discomfort, stiffness, or maybe regular headaches for no apparent cause. Of course, it is always necessary to eliminate medical reasons when physical discomfort arises, however, if there is a situation that constantly does not show any physical reasonings for suffering and physical pain of the body. so good may be negative energy influencing your well-being.

A common cause of tension headaches and muscle stiffness is stress-related disorders, which frequently manifest in emotional or mental strain. Over time, reducing negative energy can help with the relief of these physical symptoms.

7. Strained Relationships

The negative energy kills you inside out and also spoils your relationships with people. Another sign of negative energy is you are consistently experiencing arguments, misunderstandings, or tension at home, with family or friends, or even at the workplace. A negative environment propagates conflict and a lose-lose situation for all, it would prevent you from enjoying interacting in a positive mutually beneficial way.

Relationship experts will emphasize the importance of communication, empathy, and positivity in conflict resolution. One thing to consider is that it may not be just “out there” — whether it’s from family, friends, or co-workers who are stifling you.

8. Lack of Motivation

Have you lost interest in your goals or have a hard time getting excited about things that once brought joy to your life? Something else that shows up as a sign is when you are lacking motivation. Negativity is heavy and having the toxic air around you can make you lose inspiration in everything causing you to seem like a burden.

And cycle of inactivity can be formed where the lack of motivation helps to feed the negative energy or vice versa which eventually makes the stagnation worse. To break the cycle one must focus on baby steps or small wins and celebrate those which will increase positive energy.

9. Sleep Disturbances

Negative energy can also cause lots of disturbance in your sleep. Whether you have trouble falling asleep, wake up multiple times during the night, or suffer from horrific dreams, sleep problems are closely associated with bad moods. Not sleeping only makes you more tired which in turn adds to the negativity as lack of sleep will probably make it harder for you to deal with stress as well.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep hygiene practices — like sticking to a regular bedtime and winding down at night in a calm manner before bedtime — may be able to correct energy issues impacting your sleep.

10. You Feel Overwhelmed by Life

Are you stressed out because of the emotions in your life? Most of this is simply carrying around negative energy, which creates and elevates feelings of stress and anxiety. Negativity can make you feel like everything is going wrong, and you will not be able to catch up with things happening again.

That might involve doing things that help you get rid of negativity, like practicing being grateful, getting creative, or speaking to friends or a therapist to unload your emotional weight and bring you back to the middle.

How to Cleanse Negative Energy ?

The first step to shedding that negative energy from your life is to recognize these signs. There are so many ways to remove negative energy and bring in the good stuff. In addition, meditation and mindfulness help you to ground yourself and let go of energy that no longer supports your highest good.

When we are consciously in tune with these signs and take action to clear the negative energy, we help bring that balance into our lives along with inner peace and joy.
Hug and release the blessings in your life!

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